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Clases de Ciudadanía
Si usted quiere solicitar la ciudadanía, ofrecemos clases.
Los participantes aprenderan lo siguiente:
- Aprenderan la historia de los Estados Unidos
- Aprenderan inglés básico para la entrevista
- Practicaran para el examen y entrevista
- Llenaran la solicitud de naturalización N-400
Para registrarse o pedir más información, favor de llamar al Centro de LEER: 323-722-6660 ext. 2822.
Citizenship Classes
If you are applying or thinking of applying for citizenship, we offer class.
Participants will:
- Learn the history of the United States
- Learn basic English for the interview portion
- Practice for the written and oral exam
- Fill out the N-400 Naturalization application form
To register or for more information please call the READs Center at: 323-722-6660 ext. 2822
In-Class PowerPoints
Week 1:
Week 1 Presentation – Learn all about the founding of our nation as we talk about America's first inhabitants, the American Revolution and the Declaration of Independence! We answer civics questions number 8, 9, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 87, 96, 99, and 100.
Week 2:
Week 2 Presentation – Let's think about about the supreme law of our land, the U.S. Constitution! Learn about when it was written, who defended it, and how it was changed. Includes questions 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 65, 66, 67, 68.