Commerce Public Library
Home Library MenuReserve a Public Computer
Make a Reservation Online
Make a two-hour computer reservation online with your library card and PIN. Please select from one of our three library locations:
Click here for library hours and locations.
*Bandini Library is closed until further notice
Please read the following before making a computer reservation:
Adults and Teens (ages 13+):
- Only one person is allowed at the adult computers.
- Limited computer assistance will be available.
- Please bring a USB to save your documents. The library does not provide devices to save your documents.
- Your reservation will be automatically canceled after 10 minutes of no-show.
Children (ages 5-12):
- Same guidelines as above.
- Children can reserve a computer. However, adults must accompany children 12 or under.
Non-compliance with these guidelines violates the library rules of conduct, and the patron is subject to removal from library premises.